I may have changed only one thing about being a mum ...
That one thing would be the age in became a mum ...
17 was just a little bit young, ever as I knew everything !
Not I was so very silly, I thought I was going to have a my
Baby and the Father was going to be there with me to
Help raise Zachary ... Nope I was 17 a new mum and three
Days after having my wonderful cute bundle of bouncing joy
He ( the father ) left me in hospital never ever to see him again
That was 16 years ago ! So I I could say one thing it's please
girls you don't need to have a baby to keep someone from leaving
You as a baby is for life and its not easy either ! Zachary is now
Nearly old enough to drive and take girls out hahahaha ...
My opinion is do you want one of you ! If not keep your willy
In your pants ! That's my thoughts for the day Miss Squeak80 ...