Saturday, 15 March 2014

Peggy Bear Is Off On Another Holiday !!

Peggy Bear
Some people might know the story
behind my sweet little pink
bear that comes on my travels
Well for others that don't know
she is like my grandma !!
16 years ago tomorrow my beautiful
sweet granny babe was taken from us
by a horrible man !! She has not
been able to come to many family events
weddings births of her great grandkids
So tomorrow we are taking my Peggy
to Bali again it shall be her 5th time to
the land of smiles and I shall take many
more pictures of her . So you know
you might just see her somewhere !!
Here are a few happy snaps of her
from the last time we were there
hope you like them .
I love you Granny babe miss you heaps
Helene aka Squeaker.


Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Back to Bali ! Or As We Say It Gali !

 Okay so here we go again off to Bali or as we say it Gali ,
 because we have many names for things!
 The question is do you have words for things that are not there common name ? 
 Or are we just weird! That's the question :) Well we are off to Gali on Sunday 
 It's the forth time for myself my monster has been many times and my mumma
 Is coming as well on our adventure .. The people are very helpful friendly and will 
Do anything for you if they can ! You have to remember its a poor place and yes the
Market stands on the street will try and rip you off but gee that's half of the fun !
I love Bali and everything that comes along with going there. So yay I can't wait 
Monster and I are packing the new canon 600d aka the kiss we will be getting heaps
Of photos to share with everyone ! So if I don't do a blog over the next few weeks you 
All know why I am not doing it hahahahaha Holiday !!