...Things That Make Me Happy...
I would like you meet George
He is one little puppy that
makes me smiles when ever
i see him he runs around like a
crazy little thing .. People that
know me would say that apart from
being the silly and sometimes random..
I have a thing that i do that is funny..
We all have little quirks one of
mine is i love too touch things it can
be very funny as things have to feel nice
to the touch for me to buy them..
At the moment my Monster and I have been growing
some vegetable's we grew them from seed so as
they started to break the soil i just had to feel
them it was like a uncontrollable need to touch !
I think there is other people out there like me
or i like to think that their are ..
I have a wonderful and very loving family ,
I am blessed to have two boys Zachary and Quentin
And my Monster he has given me the strenght to face some
problems that I have not really wanted to face
He is like my best-friend, lover, team-mate, secret keeper,
People might look at as and think that we are
a little over the top with the cuddling, touching and
kissing that we share ! I think they are just wanting
they same thing in there own realitionship..
Therefore this is some of the that make me
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