This Blog is about things that have happened in my life sometimes Happy sometimes Sad and everything other feeling i might just happen to have at the point i start to blog so enjoy the random thoughts of Me aka MissSqueak80 ...
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Miss Squeaks Bali Safari and Marine Park Adventure !
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Miss Squeak Story Interacanial Hypertension!
My life changed direction.
Summer 2004 was a bit stressful. Having moved to my new home and then sorting out new stuff in to the house for the my boys I wasn’t surprised when I started having headaches. At first I didn’t think anything was wrong but gradually became aware that the pain in my head was getting worse and it was there all the time. It never seemed to give me a break. So when I noticed my vision wasn’t right I thought I just needed some glasses, so made an appointment for the opticians. I was told my optic nerves were swollen and sent immediately to my nearest eye hospital at Royal Perth Hospital where a specialist saw me and explained it could be one of 2 things; Benign Intracranial Hypertension or a brain tumour. I underwent numerous tests over the next couple of days. MRI scan, several CT scans, Lumbar Punctures and blood tests. I was diagnosed 4 days later with BIH/IIH. I was in Hospital for 2 weeks .
I was very thankful that it wasn’t a brain tumour but naively thought I would just be given some tablets and my life will carry on as normal. Throughout my stay in hospital it gradually dawned on me that although they knew what it was, they didn’t have a cure. I was giving Diamox and instructed to attend regular appointments with both my GP and my neuro consultant. My symptoms got worse. I started getting pulsatile tinnitus, became dis-orientated, suffered with double vision, photophobia and the worse for me was having no sight on the side like tunnel vision and any kind of light hurt my eyes like they were burning out plus some memory problems. I had changed from a well-organised confident woman to a scared and frightened little girl.
Now over 10 years later, I am still suffering, but feel lucky that I was diagnosed quickly and am not too debilitated by it but on bad days I want to crawl under a rock and hide. IIH has changed my life. I still have to have lumber punching done and just had one this week and it's us the worst one ever I still have a very bad headache and throbbing in my eyes but another day of rest and I should be back to myself .
When I look into a mirror it’s a different me looking back, however, I don’t spend my time feeling sorry for myself as there is always someone out there worse off than me.
I have a fantastic support network made up of my lovely family and my wonderful Monster who although they don't understand how much pain I am in are still very supportive to me and love me for just being me I thought I would share this as not may people know I have this as I look and act normal haha but it's is a serious condition that I just have to live with and that's that ! I hope it's has helped you to understand me a little more !
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Thanks for reading my blog .
Miss Squeak xx
Sunday, 19 April 2015
My Monsters New Gretsch Broadkaster
Friday, 27 February 2015
Miss Squeak The Beatles In Bali
Monday, 23 February 2015
Miss Squeaks Bali Adventure February 2015
Miss Squeaks Bali Adventure
Ok by now i think you might have guessed i really do like going to Bali
Thursday, 8 January 2015
How To Be A 1960s Housewife
I verily believe that the happiness of homes is destroyed more frequently by the habit of nagging than by any other one. A man may stand that sort of thing (nagging) for a long time, but the chances are against his standing it permanently. If he needs peace to make life bearable, he will have to look for it elsewhere than in his own house. And it is quite likely that he will look.
“If [the husband] is intellectually inclined, and from time to time seeks to explain little things to her so that she may have at least a bare knowledge of what it is that interests him, and, without the slightest comment, she takes up again the fashion magazine she laid down when he commenced to speak, we may be pretty sure that there is going to be a ‘rift in the lute’ sooner or later in that house.2. BAD COOKING WILL DRIVE YOUR MAN TO SEEDY SALOONS
My god woman, this turkey tastes like wet toilet paper stuffed inside a burnt basketball. Have you no pride? A social service meeting, an afternoon tea, a matinee, a whatnot, is no excuse for there being no dinner ready when a husband comes home from a hard day’s work.Housekeeping accomplishments and cooking ability are, of course, positive essentials in any true home, and every wife should take a reasonable pride in her skill. Happiness does not flourish in an atmosphere of dyspepsia.If you didn’t want your husband to become a syphilitic alcoholic, you should have learned to make a damn pot roast properly.3. BE THE HOT STEAK, NOT THE CHEAP PORKPicture a woman preparing a fine meal for her husband. “She remembered his choice of meat and was careful to get an extra-fine cut…her best cutlery and dishes and finest linen are all in evidence, and a little colorful decoration has been tastefully displayed….and as he comes into the house she greets him with a smile of welcome and a touch of manifest love.” Now, say that linen was a bed sheet, the colorful little decoration was fuzzy handcuffs, and you had the privilege of being that extra fine cut of meat. What does all that equal? A husband who doesn’t cheat on you!But say that same wife "is constantly setting him down to indigestible meals, cold and unappetizing, with nothing properly cooked, set out on a kitchen table with a dirty cloth, she need not be surprised if her husband frequently telephones from the office that business will prevent him from being home for dinner."All because you weren’t properly cooked when he was hungry!4. BUT DON'T BE A SEXUAL VAMPIRE OR A FRIGID FRANNYJust as the vampire sucks the blood of its victims in their sleep while they are alive, so does the woman vampire suck the life and exhaust the vitality of her male partner—or "victim."It is to be borne in mind that it is particularly older girls—girls between thirty and fifty—who are apt to be unreasonable in their demands when they get married; but no age is exempt; sexual vampires may be found among girls of twenty as well as among women of sixty and over.The opposite of that is to be frigid, of course. That means you take no particular pleasure from the sexual act with your husband. Oh, "we should talk it out openly and honestly," you say? Maybe see a doctor, a therapist?Now, if you are one of those frigid or sexually anesthetic women, don’t be in a hurry to inform your husband about it. To the man it makes no difference in the pleasurableness of the act whether you are frigid or not unless he knows that you are frigid. And he won’t know unless you tell him, and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Heed this advice. It has saved thousands of women from trouble.5. PINK PANTIES ARE A MUST!
That the underwear should be spotlessly clean goes without saying, but every woman should wear the best quality underwear that she can afford. And the color should be preferably pink. And lace and ruffles, I am sorry to say, add to the attractiveness of underwear, and are liked by the average man.7. YOUR HUSBAND IS THE BOSS OF YOU
The Number One Rule. Reverence Your Husband.—He sustains by God’s order a position of dignity as head of a family, head of the woman. Any breaking down of this order indicates a mistake in the union, or a digression from duty.Stop talking, slap on some pink drawers, and start worshipping!